Ligand-free Ullmann-type C-heteroatom couplings under practical conditions |
Güell Costa, Imma
; Ribas Salamaña, Xavi
2014 |
Ligand-free Ullmann-type C-heteroatom couplings under practical conditions |
Güell Costa, Imma
; Ribas Salamaña, Xavi
23 novembre 2004 |
Macrocicles nitrogenats contenint unitats de ferrocè i llurs complexos de Pal·ladi(0). Estudi estructural i aplicacions en catàlisi |
Pla i Quintana, Anna
Macrocicles nitrogenats contenint unitats de ferrocè i llurs complexos de Pal·ladi(0). Estudi estructural i aplicacions en catàlisi |
Pla i Quintana, Anna
20 desembre 2011 |
Managanese and dicopper complexes for bioinspired oxidation reactions: catalytic and mechanistic studies on C-H and C=C oxidations |
Garcia Bosch, Isaac
Managanese and dicopper complexes for bioinspired oxidation reactions: catalytic and mechanistic studies on C-H and C=C oxidations |
Garcia Bosch, Isaac
Mechanism of CO2 Fixation by IrI–X Bonds (X = OH, OR, N, C) |
Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya
; Talarico, Giovanni
; Nolan, Steven P.
; Cavallo, Luigi
; Poater Teixidor, Albert
octubre 2015 |
Mechanism of CO2 Fixation by IrI–X Bonds (X = OH, OR, N, C) |
Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya
; Talarico, Giovanni
; Nolan, Steven P.
; Cavallo, Luigi
; Poater Teixidor, Albert
Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts |
Meconi, Giulia Magi
; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya
; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio
; Belanzoni, Paola
; Nolan, Steven P.
; Jacobsen, Heiko
; Cavallo, Luigi
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Poater Teixidor, Albert
Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts |
Meconi, Giulia Magi
; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya
; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio
; Belanzoni, Paola
; Nolan, Steven P.
; Jacobsen, Heiko
; Cavallo, Luigi
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Poater Teixidor, Albert
Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts |
Meconi, Giulia Magi
; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya
; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio
; Belanzoni, Paola
; Nolan, Steven P.
; Jacobsen, Heiko
; Cavallo, Luigi
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Poater Teixidor, Albert
1 juny 2018 |
Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts |
5 juny 2018 |
Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts |
Meconi, Giulia Magi
; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya
; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio
; Belanzoni, Paola
; Nolan, Steven P.
; Jacobsen, Heiko
; Cavallo, Luigi
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Poater Teixidor, Albert
15 febrer 2020 |
Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts |
Meconi, Giulia Magi
; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya
; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio
; Belanzoni, Paola
; Nolan, Steven P.
; Jacobsen, Heiko
; Cavallo, Luigi
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Poater Teixidor, Albert
Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts |
Meconi, Giulia Magi
; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya
; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio
; Belanzoni, Paola
; Nolan, Steven P.
; Jacobsen, Heiko
; Cavallo, Luigi
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Poater Teixidor, Albert
13 febrer 2015 |
Model aryl halide macrocyclic substrates for the elucidation of coinage metal catalysed cross-coupling reaction mechanism |
Font Molins, Marc
Model aryl halide macrocyclic substrates for the elucidation of coinage metal catalysed cross-coupling reaction mechanism |
Font Molins, Marc
juny 2024 |
Modifying catalytic sustainability: aromaticity, conceptual DFT and steric mapping |
Alcaide i Blaya, Carles
8 juny 2012 |
New manganese complexes with nitrogen donor ligands. Catalysts for oxidation reactions |
Rich Masallera, Jordi
New manganese complexes with nitrogen donor ligands. Catalysts for oxidation reactions |
Rich Masallera, Jordi
17 març 2005 |
New mono- and dinuclear ruthenium complexes containing the 3,5-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazole ligand. Synthesis, characterization and applications |
Sens Llorca, Cristina
New mono- and dinuclear ruthenium complexes containing the 3,5-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazole ligand. Synthesis, characterization and applications |
Sens Llorca, Cristina
New Ru (II) complexes containing oxazoline ligands as epoxidation catalysts: influence of the substituents on the catalytic performance |
Serrano Núñez, Isabel
; López, M. Isabel
; Ferrer Vall-llosada, Íngrid
; Poater Teixidor, Albert
; Parella Coll, Teodor
; Fontrodona, Xavier
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Llobet Dalmases, Antoni
; Rodríguez Pizarro, Montserrat
; Romero García, Isabel
4 juliol 2011 |
New Ru (II) complexes containing oxazoline ligands as epoxidation catalysts: influence of the substituents on the catalytic performance |
Serrano Núñez, Isabel
; López, M. Isabel
; Ferrer Vall-llosada, Íngrid
; Poater Teixidor, Albert
; Parella Coll, Teodor
; Fontrodona, Xavier
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Llobet Dalmases, Antoni
; Rodríguez Pizarro, Montserrat
; Romero García, Isabel
setembre 2015 |
New ruthenium complexes containing N- or/and S-donor type of ligands as catalysts for nitrile hydration |
Lopes Villena, Patrícia