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out url icon Recercat Ligand-free Ullmann-type C-heteroatom couplings under practical conditions Güell Costa, Imma ; Ribas Salamaña, Xavi
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Ligand-free Ullmann-type C-heteroatom couplings under practical conditions Güell Costa, Imma ; Ribas Salamaña, Xavi
doc icon DUGiDocs 23 novembre 2004 Macrocicles nitrogenats contenint unitats de ferrocè i llurs complexos de Pal·ladi(0). Estudi estructural i aplicacions en catàlisi Pla i Quintana, Anna
out url icon Recercat Macrocicles nitrogenats contenint unitats de ferrocè i llurs complexos de Pal·ladi(0). Estudi estructural i aplicacions en catàlisi Pla i Quintana, Anna
doc icon DUGiDocs 20 desembre 2011 Managanese and dicopper complexes for bioinspired oxidation reactions: catalytic and mechanistic studies on C-H and C=C oxidations Garcia Bosch, Isaac
out url icon Recercat Managanese and dicopper complexes for bioinspired oxidation reactions: catalytic and mechanistic studies on C-H and C=C oxidations Garcia Bosch, Isaac
out url icon Recercat Mechanism of CO2 Fixation by IrI–X Bonds (X = OH, OR, N, C) Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Talarico, Giovanni ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Poater Teixidor, Albert
doc icon DUGiDocs octubre 2015 Mechanism of CO2 Fixation by IrI–X Bonds (X = OH, OR, N, C) Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Talarico, Giovanni ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Poater Teixidor, Albert
out url icon Recercat Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts Meconi, Giulia Magi ; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio ; Belanzoni, Paola ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Jacobsen, Heiko ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Poater Teixidor, Albert
out url icon Recercat Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts Meconi, Giulia Magi ; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio ; Belanzoni, Paola ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Jacobsen, Heiko ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Poater Teixidor, Albert
out url icon Recercat Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts Meconi, Giulia Magi ; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio ; Belanzoni, Paola ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Jacobsen, Heiko ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Poater Teixidor, Albert
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts Meconi, Giulia Magi ; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio ; Belanzoni, Paola ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Jacobsen, Heiko ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Poater Teixidor, Albert
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts Meconi, Giulia Magi ; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio ; Belanzoni, Paola ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Jacobsen, Heiko ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Poater Teixidor, Albert
doc icon DUGiDocs Mechanism of the suzuki-miyaura cross-coupling reaction mediated by [Pd(NHC)(allyl)Cl] Precatalysts Meconi, Giulia Magi ; Vummaleti, Sai Vikrama Chaitanya ; Luque Urrutia, Jesús Antonio ; Belanzoni, Paola ; Nolan, Steven P. ; Jacobsen, Heiko ; Cavallo, Luigi ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Poater Teixidor, Albert
doc icon DUGiDocs 13 febrer 2015 Model aryl halide macrocyclic substrates for the elucidation of coinage metal catalysed cross-coupling reaction mechanism Font Molins, Marc
out url icon Recercat Model aryl halide macrocyclic substrates for the elucidation of coinage metal catalysed cross-coupling reaction mechanism Font Molins, Marc
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2024 Modifying catalytic sustainability: aromaticity, conceptual DFT and steric mapping Alcaide i Blaya, Carles
doc icon DUGiDocs 8 juny 2012 New manganese complexes with nitrogen donor ligands. Catalysts for oxidation reactions Rich Masallera, Jordi
out url icon Recercat New manganese complexes with nitrogen donor ligands. Catalysts for oxidation reactions Rich Masallera, Jordi
doc icon DUGiDocs 17 març 2005 New mono- and dinuclear ruthenium complexes containing the 3,5-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazole ligand. Synthesis, characterization and applications Sens Llorca, Cristina
out url icon Recercat New mono- and dinuclear ruthenium complexes containing the 3,5-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazole ligand. Synthesis, characterization and applications Sens Llorca, Cristina
out url icon Recercat New Ru (II) complexes containing oxazoline ligands as epoxidation catalysts: influence of the substituents on the catalytic performance Serrano Núñez, Isabel ; López, M. Isabel ; Ferrer Vall-llosada, Íngrid ; Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Parella Coll, Teodor ; Fontrodona, Xavier ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Llobet Dalmases, Antoni ; Rodríguez Pizarro, Montserrat ; Romero García, Isabel
doc icon DUGiDocs 4 juliol 2011 New Ru (II) complexes containing oxazoline ligands as epoxidation catalysts: influence of the substituents on the catalytic performance Serrano Núñez, Isabel ; López, M. Isabel ; Ferrer Vall-llosada, Íngrid ; Poater Teixidor, Albert ; Parella Coll, Teodor ; Fontrodona, Xavier ; Solà i Puig, Miquel ; Llobet Dalmases, Antoni ; Rodríguez Pizarro, Montserrat ; Romero García, Isabel
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2015 New ruthenium complexes containing N- or/and S-donor type of ligands as catalysts for nitrile hydration Lopes Villena, Patrícia
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